It’s been fifteen months since we started building and after a lot of exhaustive work I am thrilled to announce that 1RiverView, my new studio, is ready for use.

1RiverView includes my luxurious (by all previous standards) custom built studio which opens on to a purpose built display space for my work. The studio has paintings hanging as well and the public are welcome to look around at my work area.

If you are visiting Bridgetown in the beautiful Blackwood River Valley which the studio overlooks, please stop by. I will be having an “Open Studio” every weekend so people can call in, have a look around, view my latest paintings and have a chat. Viewings can be made at any time by appointment.

1 RiverView Logo
1riverview studio panorama header

Soon we will be holding workshops and classes in the large viewing space, not just from myself, but visiting artists as well in a variety of fields.

1RiverView is managed by Tracey Hodgkins and if you are interested in more information please visit